Abusive and Offensive Online Communications

Download the Scoping Report (Reference LC 381). Download the Summary. Download the Welsh-language summary. The problem The rise of the internet and social media in recent decades has fundamentally reshaped…

Accessibility statement for lawcom.gov.uk

This accessibility statement applies to the Law Commission website, https://lawcom.gov.uk/. The Law Commission is responsible for the content of this website. The Ministry of Justice is responsible for the technical…

Project: Wills

Project status: Analysis of responses

Download the 2023 Supplementary Consultation Paper. Download the Summary of the 2023 Supplementary Consultation Paper. Download the Welsh Summary of the 2023 Supplementary Consultation Paper. Download the Easy Read Summary…

Project: Right to Manage

Project status: Complete

Download the full report on the right to manage. Download the summary of the report on the right to manage. Other documents relating to the project are available from the…

Celebrating 50 years of the Law Commission

Commission. Raising a toast to the Commission, Dominic Raab MP, Minister with responsibility for sponsoring the Law Commission, commended the “impressive” rate at which our recommendations for reform have been…

Law Commission seeks two new Commissioners

The Law Commission is looking to recruit a Commissioner for Criminal Law and a Commissioner for Commercial and Common Law. Both roles will begin at the beginning of 2020. Commissioners…