Burial and Cremation

Project status: Pre-consultation

The problem Burial law is governed by a patchwork of legislation, some of which dates to the 1850s. There are different laws in place for burial grounds which are operated by local authorities, the Church of England, and private burial grounds. This complex picture has emerged as a result of different historical development, and it … Read more >

Defences for victims of domestic abuse who kill their abusers

Project status: Pre-consultation

The problem As part of its response to Clare Wade KC’s Domestic Homicide Sentencing Review, the Government has asked the Law Commission to review the use of defences in domestic homicide cases. In 2004 the Law Commission made recommendations for reform of the partial defences to murder including provocation (now loss of control) and diminished … Read more >

Disabled Children’s Social Care

Project status: Pre-consultation

The problem  The law on disabled children’s social care in England is currently governed by a patchwork of legislation, some of which dates back more than five decades. This has contributed to variation in the amount and quality of support provided by local authorities, and unnecessarily complicated routes to accessing support for the parents and … Read more >


Project status: Analysis of responses

Download the 2023 Supplementary Consultation Paper. Download the Summary of the 2023 Supplementary Consultation Paper. Download the Welsh Summary of the 2023 Supplementary Consultation Paper. Download the Easy Read Summary of the 2023 Supplementary Consultation Paper. Download the 2017 Consultation Paper.  Download the Summary of the 2017 Consultation Paper. Download the Welsh Summary of the … Read more >

Review of the Arbitration Act 1996

Project status: Complete

Download the final report here.  Download a summary of the final report here.    About arbitration  Arbitration is a form of dispute resolution. If two or more parties have a dispute which they cannot resolve themselves, instead of going to court, they might appoint a third person as an arbitrator to resolve the dispute for … Read more >

Criminal appeals

Project status: Pre-consultation

The Law Commission has been asked to review the law about appeals in criminal cases, including the tests applied by the Court of Appeal and the Criminal Cases Review Commission; and laws governing post-trial retention and disclosure of evidence Documents Download the issues paper here. Download the summary of the issues paper here. Download the … Read more >

Financial remedies on divorce

Assessing the reform options for the laws governing finances on divorce and the ending of a civil partnership The problem Going through a divorce or ending a civil partnership is often a stressful and hugely consequential period for any couple – for both their personal and family lives, as well as their finances. Every year, … Read more >

Business Tenancies: the right to renew

Project status: Pre-consultation

Our wide-ranging review will consider in detail how the right to renew business tenancies, set out in Part 2 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954, is working and will consider options for reform.    The law  All businesses – from cafes and shops in town centres, to companies occupying offices, warehouses and factories – need … Read more >

Project status: Pre-project

Compulsory purchase

Project status: Pre-consultation

The problem Compulsory purchase is a legal mechanism by which certain bodies can acquire land without the consent of the owner. The ability to purchase land using compulsory powers is essential to the implementation of large-scale projects to improve both local and national infrastructure. The number and scale of such projects is likely to intensify … Read more >