Electoral Law

Project status: Complete

Download the Electoral Law report here. Download the executive summary here. Download the plain-text summary here. Download the Welsh translation of the plain text-summary here. The problem Electoral law in the UK is spread across 17 statutes and some 30 sets of regulations. It has become increasingly complex and fragmented; it is difficult to access, … Read more >

Unfitness to Plead

Project status: Complete

Download the report Download the draft bill Download the report summary The problem The law relating to unfitness to plead addresses what should happen when a defendant who faces prosecution is unable to engage with the process because of their mental or physical condition. The law aims to balance the rights of the vulnerable defendant … Read more >


Project status: Complete

Download the report Download the summary The problem When we consulted on the content of the Law Commission’s 12th Programme of Law Reform, a number of respondents suggested that the law regulating firearms was deeply problematic and in need of reform. This was both from recreational shooters and enforcement agencies. The law regulating firearms was … Read more >


Project status: Complete

Download the report Download the summary of the report Download the at-a-glance summary of the report Download an FAQs document Download the impact assessment This project was previously called “Marriage Law” The problem The main law which governs marriage is from 1836 and has failed to keep pace with modern life. How and where marriages … Read more >

Wildlife Law

Project status: Complete

Download the final report Download the first report: Wildlife Law: Control of Invasive Non-native Species. Download the report summary The problem Over the last decade, wildlife protection and the sustainable management of our natural heritage have become increasingly regarded as key policy aims for Government. However, the legal framework for wildlife management is overly complicated, … Read more >