Railways (Rates and Charges)

In our consultation paper we propose the repeal of more than 40 obsolete Acts relating to the charges levied on railway freight traffic in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The railways were operated by private companies and these Acts were an attempt by Government to regulate the charges for transporting railway freight.  These … Read more >

Post-legislative Scrutiny

Project status: Complete

On 20 March 2008 the Government announced its acceptance of the proposals in our report on post-legislative scrutiny. As the body charged with keeping all the law under review we are concerned both at the volume of legislation that is passed by Parliament and whether it accurately gives effect to the underlying policy aims. We … Read more >

Powers of the Criminal Courts (Sentencing) Bill

Project status: Complete

The Bill that is the subject of this Report consolidates certain enactments relating to the powers of courts in England and Wales to deal with offenders and defaulters and to the treatment of such persons. A joint report with the Scottish Law Commission.

Pre-judgment Interest on Debts and Damages

Project status: Complete

This project reviews the system for awarding interest before judgment, which leads to widespread confusion and mistakes. Even when the rules are applied correctly, they bear little relationship to commercial reality. In short cases, debtors often pay too much – frequently paying 8 per cent at a time when base rate is 4 per cent or less. … Read more >

Railways (Abortive Projects)

In our consultation paper we propose the repeal of more than 200 obsolete Acts relating to 19th century railway projects that failed to materialise. The usual reason for their failure was lack of finance.  Many railway projects collapsed in the banking crisis of 1866, a crisis partly caused by ambitious speculative investment in railway building. … Read more >

Simplification of the Criminal Law: Public Nuisance and Outraging Public Decency

Project status: Complete

Download the report Download the consultation The problem Public nuisance is a common law offence involving environmental danger or loss of amenity or offensive public behaviour. The related common law offence of outraging public decency involves indecent actions or displays that may cause offence to members of the public. These two common law offences were … Read more >

Poor Relief

In our consultation paper we propose the repeal of 57 obsolete Acts relating to the poor law relief arrangements that existed before the advent of the modern welfare state.  Indeed most of them are relics of the parish-based system that existed before 1834.  The earliest of them date back to 1697 during the reign of … Read more >

Perpetuities and Accumulations

Project status: Complete

The rule against perpetuities and the rule against excessive accumulations are two distinct but related legal rules which are used mostly in relation to trusts and wills. Both rules seek to address the broad question of the extent to which one generation should be able to dictate the future use and ownership of property, and restrict … Read more >

Partnership Law

Project status: Complete

A review of partnership law conducted under the existing law of partnership, ie the Partnership Act 1890 and the Limited Partnerships Act 1907, with particular reference to: independent legal personality continuity of business irrespective of changes of ownership simplification of solvent dissolution a model partnership agreement. We published our report on Partnership Law on 18 … Read more >

Parliamentary Costs Bill

Project status: Complete

The Bill which is the subject of this report consolidates the legislation about the costs relating to Parliamentary proceedings on private Bills. The Bill extends to England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. A joint report with the Scottish Law Commission.