Consents to Prosecution

Project status: Complete

The report that concludes this project recommends reforms designed to rationalise one of the procedural mechanisms used to control the prosecution process – the requirement in respect of certain offences that, as a condition precedent to the institution of criminal proceedings, the consent of either a Law Officer or the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) … Read more >

Conservation covenants

Project status: Complete

Download the report Download the summary The problem A conservation covenant is an agreement between a landowner and a body like a charity or public body to do or not do something on their land for a conservation purpose. This might be, for example, an agreement to maintain woodland and allow public access to it, … Read more >

Conspiracy and Attempts

Project status: Complete

This project reviewed the law governing the criminal liability of those who agree, or attempt, to commit offences. The project We published our report “Conspiracy and Attempts”, including a draft Bill, on 10 December 2009. The report follows our consultation paper, which we published on 10 October 2007. In our report we make recommendations on statutory conspiracy to: … Read more >

Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts

Project status: Complete

The project This project updated and implemented a previous report on unfair terms, but only for contracts between consumers and businesses. In 2005, the Law Commission and Scottish Law Commission made recommendations to reform the law of unfair terms. The report and associated consultation paper can be found here. In May 2012, the Department for … Read more >

Consumer Insurance Law: Pre-Contract Disclosure and Misrepresentation

Project status: Complete

The Law Commission and the Scottish Law Commission recommended the creation of a new consumer statute setting out what a consumer should tell their insurer before taking out insurance. The law under the Marine Insurance Act 1906 requires consumers to volunteer information about everything which a “prudent insurer” would consider relevant. We think this duty … Read more >

Consumer Redress for Misleading and Aggressive Practices

Project status: Complete

The regulations form part of a package of measures to clarify consumer law.  These measures will draw on three joint reports by the Law Commission and Scottish Law Commission. Read more about our consumer rights work and the legislation. This is a joint project with the Scottish Law Commission.  It was formerly referred to as the … Read more >

Consumer Remedies for Faulty Goods

Project status: Complete

The Consumer Rights Act 2015 forms part of a package of measures to clarify consumer law. These measures draw on three joint reports by the Law Commission and Scottish Law Commission.Read more about our consumer rights work and the Bill. The problem Currently, UK consumers have a legal “right to reject” faulty goods. This means a … Read more >


Project status: Complete

In this project we focus on the financial hardship suffered by cohabitants or their children on the termination of their relationship by separation or death. We concentrated in particular on the following issues: Whether cohabitants should have access to any remedies providing periodical payments, lump sums, or transfers of property from one party to the … Read more >

Simplification of the Criminal Law

Project status: Pre-project

In the 10th Programme, the Commission embarked on a programme of simplification of the criminal law, criminal evidence and procedure. Simplification involves: giving the law a clearer structure; using more modern terminology; making the law in a given area more consistent with other closely allied areas of law; making the law readily comprehensible to non lawyers … Read more >

Claims for Wrongful Death

Project status: Complete

When a person is killed through the fault of another, family members and some other persons are able to claim compensation under the Fatal Accidents Act 1976 for losses they suffer as a result of the death. This project reviewed the availability of compensation in such cases. Our aim was to bring this area of the … Read more >