Registered Land and Chancel Repair Liability

Project status: Pre-project

Problem Chancel repair liability is an obligation on a landowner to pay for certain repairs to a local church. It has its origins in the feudal system and is rarely enforced, but when it is the liability can be huge. The intention of the Land Registration Act 2002 was that chancel repair liability should not … Read more >

Museum Collections

Project status: Pre-project

The problem Britain’s museums are envied the world over, with a rich heritage informing each new generation of the past. But museums face significant problems dealing with objects where acquisition records are hard to come by and as a result it is impossible to know whether the item was gifted outright or loaned to the … Read more >

Modernising Trust Law for a Global Britain

Project status: Pre-project

The problem A trust is a way of managing assets. Trusts are used widely by people and businesses. Trusts are a significant source of business for the UK and many international corporations and individuals use English law and courts to govern their arrangements. However, English trust law hasn’t been comprehensively reviewed since 1925. Meanwhile, places … Read more >

Anti-money laundering

Project status: Complete

View the Government’s response View the full report. View the summary of the full report. View the Welsh summary of the full report. The problem Money laundering is the process where criminals hide the origins of their illegally gained money. Money laundering is estimated to cost every household in the UK £255 a year and … Read more >

Search Warrants

Project status: Complete

View the full report. View the summary of the report. View a Welsh version of the summary of the report. The problem A search warrant is a written authorisation that allows an investigator to enter premises to search for material or individuals. Search warrants are usually issued by a court following an application by a … Read more >


Project status: Complete

Download a summary of the report An overview of what the project is about and our key recommendations for law reform. Download the Core Report (Volume I) This version of the report aims to present our conclusions in a clear and straightforward way, using non-technical language. Download the Full Report (Volume II) This version of … Read more >


Project status: Complete

Download the full report on commonhold  Download the summary of the report on commonhold  Download our open letter to lenders on taking commonhold as security  Other documents relating to the project are available from the drop-down menus at the bottom of this page. We also published our reports on leasehold enfranchisement (“Leasehold home ownership: buying … Read more >

Reform of the Communications Offences

Project status: Complete

Download the report here. Download a summary of the report here. Read the interim response from DCMS here. A Welsh translation of the report will be available soon. The problem The revolution in online communications has offered extraordinary new opportunities to communicate with one another and on an unprecedented scale. However, those opportunities also present … Read more >

13th Programme of Law Reform

Project status: Complete

Under the Law Commissions Act 1965 the Law Commission is required to submit Programmes of law reform to the Lord Chancellor. Since then, every three or four years the Commission has set out the areas it intends to work on for the next few years. In July 2016 the 13th Programme of Law Reform consultation … Read more >

Planning Law in Wales

Project status: Complete

We are recommending that a new Planning Code is created for Wales, which is comprehensive but simpler. We have analysed the responses to our Consultation Paper, and produced a Final Report, submitted to the Welsh Government and laid in the UK Parliament and in the National Assembly on 03 December 2018. The Welsh government provided … Read more >