We are conducting a review of the law governing appeals in criminal cases, including appeals against conviction and sentence, with a view to ensuring that courts have powers that enable the effective, efficient and appropriate resolution of appeals.
Mae’r crynodeb hwn yn disgrifio’r argymhellion a’r casgliadau yn ein hadroddiad ar asedau digidol ar lefel uche
Terms of reference for the evidence in sexual offence prosecutions project.
This document sets out the areas of the 'Evidence in sexual offence prosecutions' consultation paper we think will be of most relevance to police and law enforcement.
This document sets out the areas of the 'Evidence in sexual offence prosecutions' consultation paper we think will be of most relevance to judiciary.
This document sets out the areas of the 'Evidence in sexual offence prosecutions' consultation paper we think will be of most relevance to ISVAs, intermediaries and witness supporters.
The Law Commission are looking into the way evidence is used when courts deal with sexual offences.
Bwriad y crynodeb hwn yw i roi trosolwg o'r prif faterion a drafodwyd gennym yn ein papur ymgynghori ar Dystiolaeth mewn Erlyniadau Troseddau Rhywiol. Mae’n egluro beth yw’r prosiect a pha faterion a drafodir.
This document provides an introduction to the project, scope, main legal concepts and answers to some frequently asked questions.
We are consulting with stakeholders and members of the public on a series of questions and provisional proposals about changes to sexual offences proceedings.