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Project publications

Find all publications related to projects being worked on by the Law Commission during January 2025 and after. For earlier documents, visit our archived website.

For non project-related publications, view corporate documents.


123 publications

Evidence in sexual offence prosecutions: consultation summary (easy read)

The Law Commission are looking into the way evidence is used when courts deal with sexual offences.

Tystiolaeth mewn Erlyniadau Troseddau Rhywiol: Crynodeb o’r Papur Ymgynghori

Bwriad y crynodeb hwn yw i roi trosolwg o'r prif faterion a drafodwyd gennym yn ein papur ymgynghori ar Dystiolaeth mewn Erlyniadau Troseddau Rhywiol. Mae’n egluro beth yw’r prosiect a pha faterion a drafodir.

Evidence in sexual offences prosecutions: background paper

This document provides an introduction to the project, scope, main legal concepts and answers to some frequently asked questions.

Evidence in sexual offences prosecutions: overview of our key proposals

We are consulting with stakeholders and members of the public on a series of questions and provisional proposals about changes to sexual offences proceedings.

Evidence in sexual offences prosecutions: consultation and summary

We are conducting a review of the law, guidance, and practice relating to the trial process in prosecutions of sexual offences.

Financial remedies on divorce: terms of reference

Terms of reference for the Financial remedies on divorce project

Defnyddio Trefniadau Benthyg Croth er Mwyn Cael Teulu: Crynodeb o’r Adroddiad

Yn y Crynodeb hwn, rydyn ni’n cyflwyno cefndir ein prosiect yn gryno a pham mae angen diwygio. Rydyn ni’n rhoi cyfrif o’r gyfraith bresennol sy’n ymwneud  â threfniadau benthyg croth a’r problemau sy’n gysylltiedig â’r gyfraith. Yna, rydyn ni’n egluro’r argymhellion rydyn ni’n eu gwneud ar gyfer diwygio’r gyfraith.

Compulsory purchase: terms of reference

Terms of reference for the compulsory purchase project.

Atafaelu Enillion Troseddu yn Dilyn Euogfarn – Crynodeb o’r Adroddiad

Bwriad y crynodeb hwn yw rhoi trosolwg o’n prif argymhellion