We already make a lot of information available. Before you request information from us, please:
- search our website for the information
- check our publication scheme
- find out if we have already released the information
Make your request in writing, either by email to lawcom.foi@lawcommission.gov.uk or by post to:
Freedom of Information
Law Commission
1st Floor, Tower
52 Queen Anne’s Gate
When you send us your request please:
- be specific and give us as much detail as possible
- if appropriate, provide us with a relevant timeframe
- tell us how to contact you, for example by post or email
- provide your contact details in case we need to ask you about your request
When we receive your request
We will reply to you within 20 working days. Sometimes we can’t give you the information you are asking for. This is usually because:
- the Law Commission doesn’t have the information you’re asking for
- there’s an exemption around sharing the information
- it will take too long to find the information
- you’ve asked for this information several times already
We will always explain why we have refused your request and to share details of how you can appeal. Replies are usually free but we will let you know in advance if there will be a charge.
We are not able to:
- give legal advice to individuals
- comment on individual cases
- investigate complaints about the law or lawyers
- provide information to assist with student assignments
Reviews and appeals
If you are not happy with how we have handled your request for information, you can ask us to review the request by contacting us at lawcom.foi@lawcommission.gov.uk
If you remain dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you have a right of appeal to the Information Commissioner.