The Value of Law Reform

This report considers the value of law reform in the context of the work of the Law Commission of England and Wales. It looks at the ways in which law reform projects affect individuals and groups in society and can contribute to a wide range of social and economic outcomes both domestically and internationally.

Inside Modern Law Reform

A new book giving an “insider’s view” of how law reform really works in practice is published online today. “Inside Modern Law Reform” explains how the Law Commission carries out law reform and the history behind it. As well as describing the history and process of law reform, the book outlines the wide-ranging social and … Read more >

Privacy notice and handling data

As a consultative organisation, the Law Commission has always taken seriously its responsibility for handling personal data. The new requirements under GDPR (the General Data Protection Regulation) have lent new focus on this important aspect of our work and, accordingly, we have set out in detail how we process and store personal data. We also … Read more >

Welsh Government report on the implementation of Law Commission proposals

Evidence to Justice Select Committee 2 March 2016

Framework Document

The Framework Document sets out the broad framework for the governance arrangements for the Law Commission, and defines the relationship between the Commission and the Ministry of Justice as the Commission’s sponsor department.

Protocol rhwng Gweinidogion Cymru a Comisiwn y Gyfraith/ Protocol between the Welsh Ministers and the Law Commission

Implementation of our reports

Protocol between the Lord Chancellor (on behalf of the Government) and the Law Commission

In March 2010 the Lord Chancellor and the Law Commission for England and Wales agreed a statutory protocol governing how Government departments and the Law Commission should work together on law reform projects. The protocol is key to ensuring a productive working relationship between the Law Commission and Whitehall and is intended to increase the … Read more >

Work of the Law Commission

This publication provides a summary of all the projects that the Commission is currently working on. It includes details of the source of each project, which is the lead Government Department, and a provisional timetable for each of the main stages.