All events

All events from the Law Commission, including public consultation events, addresses, lectures, talks and careers events
Research assistant outreach event 2022-23
Join us for this live event ahead of the launch of our 2022/23 research assistant recruitment campaign. About the event Every year, the Law Commission recruits a number of research assistants to help make the law simple, modern and fair. We look for exceptional candidates from all backgrounds, all of whom have a passion for … Read more >
Digital assets: Your views on a new legal framework
Public consultation event You are invited to our virtual public consultation event, Digital assets: Your views on a new legal framework, which will provide members of the public with an opportunity to discuss the Law Commission’s digital assets consultation paper. We are seeking written responses from as many consultees as possible before 4 November 2022. … Read more >
Trying Sexual Offences: The Case for Reform
The Symposium You are invited to our symposium Trying Sexual Offences: The Case for Reform marking the launch of the Law Commission’s review of the law, guidance and practice relating to the trial process in prosecutions of sexual offences. The symposium will bring together academics and legal practitioners with an expertise and interest in sexual … Read more >
The Heilbron Lectures: Learning Our Time’s Fables
Through a masterful series of ‘fables’, Professor Sarah Green explored how work patterns and their organisation are going to change for the long term and the importance that the diverse range of women’s voices are central to shaping those new patterns.
The Law Commission
Society of Legal Scholars Conference. The Rt Hon Sir David Bean. 8 September 2016.
50 Years On: The Law Commission at 50
Commonwealth Association of Law Reform Agencies (CALRAs) conference. The Rt Hon Lord Justice Lloyd Jones. 11-12 April 2015.
Implementation: Is Legislation the Only Way?
Commonwealth Association of Law Reform Agencies (CALRAs) conference. Elaine Lorimer, Chief Executive. 11-12 April 2015.
50 Years On: The Law Commission at Fifty
London Common Law and Commercial Bar Association. The Rt Hon Lord Justice Lloyd Jones. 27 January 2015.
Recent Work of the Law Commission
Legal Wales Conference 2014. The Rt Hon Lord Justice Lloyd Jones. 10 October 2014.
Law Reform in a Devolved Wales
Association of London Welsh Lawyers. The Rt Hon Lord Justice Lloyd Jones. 20 March 2014.
The Law Commission and Law Reform in a Devolved Wales
Wales Governance Centre Annual Lecture 2013: The Rt Hon Lord Justice Lloyd Jones. 24 April 2014.
The Law Commission and the Implementation of Law Reform
Sir William Dale Annual Lecture 2012. The Rt Hon Lord Justice Lloyd Jones. 22 November 2012.
Law Reform in a Devolved Wales
Legal Wales Conference 2012. The Rt Hon Lord Justice Lloyd Jones. 12 October 2012.
Shaping the Law: The Law Commission at the Crossroads
Denning Lecture 2011. The Rt Hon Lord Justice Munby. 29 November 2011.
Law Reform Now: The Law Commission 25 Years on
Denning Lecture 1991. The Hon Mr Justice Peter Gibson.
Seminar: Rape Myths and Sexual Behaviour Evidence
A discussion about the Law Commission’s Consultation on Evidence in Sexual Offence Prosecutions. About this event Doughty Street Chambers, Russell-Cooke LLP and the Law Commission welcome you to a panel discussion about the Law Commission’s Consultation Paper proposals relating to how Criminal trials should address “rape myths” and sexual behaviour evidence. We would be … Read more >
Research assistant outreach event 2023-24
Join us for this live event ahead of the launch of our 2023/24 research assistant recruitment campaign. About the event Every year, the Law Commission recruits a number of research assistants to help make the law simple, modern and fair. We look for exceptional candidates from all backgrounds, all of whom have a passion for … Read more >