Annual report 2023-24 published

Annual report 2023-24 cover page

The Law Commission’s Annual Report 2023-24 has been published. 

The annual report highlights the work the Law Commission has done from October 2023 to March 2024. We would like to thank colleagues across the Law Commission for their input and contribution to this annual report.

This has been a particularly busy and productive period in terms of implementation and legislation, with a significant number of Law Commission projects being implemented in Government bills before Parliament.

Some examples are:

  • The Criminal Justice Bill will give effect to recommendations on intimate image abuse, modernising communications offences and confiscation of the proceeds of crime, and the option of expanding the identification doctrine for corporate criminal liability.
  • The Automated Vehicles Bill implements the recommendations of our review of regulation for automated vehicles, carried out jointly with the Scottish Law Commission.

Sir Peter Fraser, Chair of the Law Commission said:

“I am delighted to introduce the Law Commission’s 58th Annual Report, and my first since taking over as Chair on 1 December 2023.

“I have been keen to ensure that there is continued support for the implementation of the bills that the Law Commission has worked on. We are also considering a number of other new projects in a wide variety of fields.

“I look forward to another productive year ahead working with everyone.”

The annual report is available here.