Reforms to laws around intimate image abuse proposed to better protect victims

Proposals to improve protections for victims whose intimate images are taken or shared without their consent have today [26 February 2021] been published by the Law Commission of England and Wales. The proposals include: An expansion of the types of behaviours outlawed by existing criminal laws on taking and sharing intimate images without consent to … Read more >

Comprehensive regulatory framework for self-driving vehicles proposed to Government

The Law Commission of England and Wales and the Scottish Law Commission (the Law Commissions) have today [18 December 2020] announced landmark proposals that will seek to ensure the safety of self-driving vehicles via a comprehensive new legal framework. Hailed as “leading the way on the regulation of this technology” by Transport Minister Rachel Maclean, … Read more >

Law Commission seeks views on smart contracts

The Law Commission has today [17 December 2020] launched a call for evidence to help ensure that the technology of smart contracts can thrive in England and Wales. A smart contract is a legally binding contract in which some or all of the contractual obligations are recorded in or performed automatically by a computer program … Read more >

Cynigion i ddiwygio tribiwnlysoedd datganoledig Cymru i greu system dribiwnlysoedd unedig i Gymru.

Mae cynigion Comisiwn y Gyfraith a gyhoeddwyd heddiw yn gwella ar y system doredig a chymhleth o dribiwnlysoedd sy’n bodoli yng Nghymru. Mae’r cynigion, sy’n ffurfio sail yr ymgynghoriad, yn diddymu’r cymhlethdod gan greu system unedig i dribiwnlysoedd yng Nghymru. Corff a ffurfir i ddatrys anghydfod ac i adolygu penderfyniadau cyrff cyhoeddus ydy tribiwnlys. Ond … Read more >

Reform outdated offence of misconduct in public office, recommends Law Commission

Reforms to the outdated and unclear offence of misconduct in public office offence are recommended by Law Commission Changes would clarify and modernise the law, and target the most serious misconduct Two replacement offences recommended in addition to a statutory list of positions that constitute “public office” Consent of the Director of Public Prosecutions would … Read more >