New funding model agreed with Ministry of Justice

I am delighted to announce that the Law Commission has agreed a new funding and operating model with the Ministry of Justice. Under the new model, the Law Commission will no longer rely on income generation from Whitehall Departments to supplement its core funding from the Ministry of Justice. Instead, the Law Commission will now … Read more >

Llywodraeth Cymru yn derbyn y mwyafrif o argymhellion Comisiwn y Gyfraith i ddiwygio cyfraith cynllunio yng Nghymru.

Mae Llywodraeth Cymru bellach wedi cyhoeddi ymateb manwl i argymhellion Comisiwn y Gyfraith i wella cyfraith cynllunio yng Nghymru, gan gadarnhau eu bod yn derbyn y mwyafrif o’r diwygiadau ac eu bod yn bwriadu defnyddio’r argymhellion i lywio’r Bil cydgrynhoi cynhwysfawr. Mae gobeithion i’r Bil chwarae rhan flaenllaw yn rhaglen ddeddfwriaethol nesaf y Senedd. Cyhoeddwyd … Read more >

Law Commission says improvements are required to the way shares are held

System of holding investments through a chain of financial institutions (“intermediated securities”) stops investors being able to exercise shareholder rights and can lead to legal uncertainty However, there are benefits of the system and the system should be improved rather than replaced Law Commission outlines potential reforms to improve the system, so it works better … Read more >

Law Commission begins project on Corporate Criminal Liability

The Government has asked the Law Commission to investigate the laws around corporate criminal liability and provide options to reform them. Concerns have been raised over the effectiveness of current laws in criminalising corporate entities when they commit economic crime. Calls for reform have been revived following the mixed success of recent high-profile prosecutions. Without … Read more >

Law Commission reforms provide gains of £3 billion over 10 years

Independent economists undertake an assessment of the economic and other benefits flowing from the Law Commission’s law reform recommendations. The predicted economic gains from the five highest-value projects in recent years exceed more than £3 billion over ten years. The projects assessed have positively affected the lives of more than 27 million individuals in the … Read more >

Sir Roy Beldam

The Law Commission was very sad to learn of the death of the Rt Hon Sir Roy Beldam, who served as the Chair of the Law Commission from 1985 – 89. Sir Roy was called to the Bar in 1950 and took Silk in 1969. He was appointed as a Recorder in 1972 and as … Read more >

Search warrants reform to help law enforcement investigate crime

Reforms that would reduce the number of unlawful search warrants being issued and help law enforcement to investigate crime and collect evidence (especially that stored electronically) have today [7 October 2020] been recommended by the Law Commission, the Government’s independent law reform body. A search warrant is a document issued by a magistrate or judge … Read more >

Adapting English law for the digital revolution

The Law Commission has begun work on two new projects to ensure that English law can accommodate two emerging technologies that could revolutionise commerce: smart contracts and digital assets. The Law Commission will analyse the law relating to smart contracts, to find any gaps in the law and identify reforms to ensure that the law … Read more >