Government accepts majority of Commission’s event fees recommendations

The Government has confirmed that it will enact Law Commission recommendations to protect older people and their families. This will introduce protections for leaseholders in retirement properties against unexpected fees – known as event fees – being charged in unfair circumstances. It will also impose an obligation on landlords (or others who benefit from these … Read more >

Law Commission seeks two new Commissioners

The Law Commission is looking to recruit a Commissioner for Criminal Law and a Commissioner for Commercial and Common Law. Both roles will begin at the beginning of 2020. Commissioners are critical to the success of projects that ensure British law is as fair, modern, simple and as cost-effective as possible. The successful applicants will … Read more >

Smart contracts project paused

The Commission’s project on smart contracts has been paused to avoid potential duplication with other initiatives. We were asked by the Lord Chancellor to include work on Electronic Signatures and Smart Contracts as part of our 13th Programme, agreed in December 2017. We have prioritised work on Electronic Signatures and are currently analysing consultation responses. … Read more >

Government commends work of the Law Commission

The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) today – 07 February 2019 – published its tailored review of the Law Commission, highlighting the Government’s continued support for the role and functions that the Commission carries out. “The Commission’s work is of clear benefit to the whole Government, much of it offering the prospect of savings to public … Read more >

Make it easier for leaseholders to manage their properties, propose Law Commission

The Law Commission is proposing changes that would make it quicker and easier for leaseholders to take control of the day-to-day management of their building. Currently, homeowners with long leases over flats can acquire the “right to manage” (RTM), which gives the homeowners, rather than their landlord, responsibility for management functions relating to services, repairs, … Read more >

Simplify Immigration Rules, proposes Law Commission

Law Commission proposes to simplify how the Immigration Rules are drafted and presented, so they are easier to follow and more user friendly. The Rules have grown from 40 pages in 1973 to around 1,100 pages today, becoming increasingly complex. They have been criticised by senior judges as labyrinthine. The Law Commission is seeking views … Read more >

Law Commission seeking a new Non-Executive Board Member

We are looking to recruit a new Non-Executive Board Member (NEBM) to the Law Commission Board. The successful applicant will support the Commission in improving our corporate governance and financial management, and will help shape our strategy for the future of law reform. The NEBM will help us to deliver our vision of: Being the … Read more >

Allech chi fod yn un o’n cynorthwywyr ymchwil?

Mae ceisiadau bellach ar agor ar gyfer swyddi cynorthwywyr ymchwil yn y Comisiwn Cyfraith. Fel cynorthwyydd ymchwil, byddwch yn helpu i lunio cyfraith y DU fel rhan o dîm arbenigol, gan feddwl yn ddwfn a gweithio’n greadigol mewn amgylchedd heriol a chefnogol. Mae siambrau, cwmnïau cyfreithwyr a phrifysgolion yn ystyried y profiad o weithio gyda’r … Read more >

The time is right for commonhold announce Law Commission

The Law Commission today has proposed reforms that would support the expansion of commonhold as an alternative to leasehold. Commonhold was introduced in 2002 as a new way to own property. Commonhold allows a person to own a freehold flat and at the same time be a member of the company which owns and manages … Read more >

Law Commission launches reforms to planning law in Wales

The Law Commission has published a wide-ranging report proposing over 190 technical reforms to planning law as it applies in Wales. This will hopefully lead to the appearance of a new Planning Act, as the centrepiece of a new Planning Code for Wales. (Cymru) Public Law Commissioner Nicholas Paines QC says: “Planning law is simple … Read more >