Commission welcomes steps towards accessible Welsh Law

Law Commission Nicholas Paines QC has welcomed the launch of a consultation on a new Welsh Government Bill which aims to make the law accessible, simple and clear. The twelve-week consultation on the Legislation (Wales) Bill brings forward one of the key recommendations from the Law Commission’s Form and Accessibility of the Law Applicable in … Read more >

Sentencing Code considers additional youth sentencing laws – consultation

The Law Commission has launched a short consultation on youth sentencing as part of its work to create a single Sentencing Code. Over the past three years the Commission has consulted widely on plans to make sentencing simpler, fairer and quicker through the introduction of a consolidated Code. A small number of youth sentencing laws … Read more >

Government commits to protect people with dementia and learning difficulties

The government has said it will bring forward legislation to provide greater protection for some of the most vulnerable people in our society. In a Written Ministerial Statement Health Minister Caroline Dinenage said the government broadly agreed with the Liberty Protection Safeguards model proposed by the Law Commission in 2017 and would legislate “when parliamentary … Read more >

Home-ownership call for evidence – help make commonhold more common

The Law Commission is asking flat owners, housebuilders, mortgage lenders and lawyers to help shape a law which could help people own their flats outright. The independent legal body wants views on a little-known and little used home ownership status called commonhold, which provides an alternative to residential leasehold. Commonhold was introduced in 2002 as … Read more >

Government asks Law Commission to look at trolling laws

The government has asked the Law Commission to review the laws around offensive communications and assess whether they provide the right protection to victims online. With research showing that nearly a third of UK internet users were on the receiving end of trolling, harassment or cyberbullying last year, the independent body will provide a robust … Read more >

Sir Henry Brooke

My colleagues and I were sad to learn of the death of Sir Henry Brooke, former Lord Justice of Appeal, who chaired the Commission for the three years 1993 to 1995. He led an energetic and successful campaign to have outstanding Law Commission reports implemented, by the piloting of the forerunner of the special Parliamentary … Read more >

Could you be one of our research assistants?

Applications are now open for prospective research assistants at the Law Commission. This story is also available in Welsh. Working as part of an expert team, research assistants help to shape UK law. You will have an opportunity to think deeply and work creatively in a challenging and supportive environment. Chambers, solicitors’ firms and universities … Read more >

Annual report 2016-17 published

This story is available in Welsh. The Law Commission’s Annual Report 2016-17 has been published. It reveals another positive year for the independent law reform body with: Four new statutes based on Law Commission recommendations – Part 5 of the Enterprise Act 2016, Part 6 of the Policing and Crime Act 2017, the Intellectual Property … Read more >

14 new areas of law set for reform – Law Commission

Surrogacy, residential leasehold, driverless cars and smart contracts are all to be reviewed by the Law Commission. These are just some of the 14 new project areas unveiled today as part of its 13th Programme of Law Reform, whittled down from a record 220 individual project ideas in the responses to its public consultation. The … Read more >


This story is available in Welsh. A new planning code for Wales is needed to get the country building and further protect heritage and the environment, says the Law Commission. England and Wales’s independent law reform agency says that complex and overlapping planning laws – contained in over 30 Acts of Parliament – slow down … Read more >