Draft Sentencing Code on legislation.gov.uk

The Law Commission’s Sentencing Code has become the first-ever draft Bill uploaded to legislation.gov.uk. As part of its commitment to open public consultation, the Commission has worked closely with the National Archive to bring forward this exciting new development. It’s hoped that this innovation will allow consultees to interact with and test the proposals to … Read more >

Government says “not the right time” for review of marriage law

The Government has written to the Law Commission to say it’s not the right time for a full review of marriage law, but hasn’t ruled out further work in the future. In December 2015 a scoping report from the Law Commission identified issues with the way marriages were conducted in England and Wales. It highlighted … Read more >

Events: Have your say on our Sentencing Code plans

As part of the Law Commission’s consultation on a new sentencing code it will host a series of free public events. Currently, the law of sentencing procedure is contained in many different Acts of Parliament, dating as far back as the 14th century. It is often not clear how the Acts apply and many use … Read more >

Charities need right rules to run effectively – report

Reforms to charity law could save millions

Changes to the law could help charities run more effectively, according to the Law Commission. In a new report – Technical Issues in Charity Law – published today, the Commission says that problems in charity law prevent or delay legitimate charitable activities. Discourage people from volunteering. And force charities to obtain professional advice that should … Read more >

Have your say on wills proposals

Archive: The consultation closed on 10 November 2017. See the latest on the project here. As part of the Law Commission’s consultation on the laws around making a will it will host a series of free public events. Law Commissioner Professor Nick Hopkins and the project team will set out their proposals for change and … Read more >

Technical consultation to simplify sentencing launched

A new consultation which looks to tidy up sentencing law has been launched by the Law Commission. Currently, the law of sentencing procedure is contained in many different Acts of Parliament, dating as far back as the 14th century. It is often not clear how the Acts apply and many use outdated and inaccessible language. … Read more >

Welsh government makes move towards clearer, simpler law

The Welsh Government has accepted the majority of the Law Commission’s recommendations found in our 2016 report on the Form and Accessibility of the Law Applicable in Wales. The report made a number of recommendations to make the law made in Wales clearer, simpler and easier to access. It proposed that significant areas of the … Read more >

Congratulations to Lady Hale and Lord Justice Lloyd Jones

Congratulations to two former Law Commissioners whose appointment to high judicial office has been announced today. Baroness Hale or Richmond, the new President of the Supreme Court, was a Commissioner from 1984 to 1993  and Sir David Lloyd Jones, a new Justice of the Supreme Court, was Chair of the Law Commission from 2012 to … Read more >