Outdated law of wills needs “overhaul” to reflect modern world

The outdated law of wills needs an overhaul according to the Law Commission. The independent body say that Victorian laws, out of step with the modern world, are failing to protect the vulnerable – and not allowing others to distribute their cherished possessions after they’ve gone. With an estimated 40% of adults dying each year without … Read more >

Law Commission sets out its priorities for the year

The Law Commission has today set out its plans for the current financial year in a new business plan. The document sets out measurable targets for the organisation to meet which will help it achieve its aim of reforming the law. It sets four priorities: To ensure that the law is fair, modern and clear; … Read more >

Lord Toulson

The Law Commission was very sad to learn today of the untimely death of Lord Toulson. He served as Chairman of the Commission between 2002 and 2006. The reports we published during this period covered a variety of important subjects including partial defences to murder, forfeiture and succession, renting homes and unfair terms in contracts. … Read more >

13th Programme update

Last summer the  Law Commission called for ideas for its 13th Programme of Law Reform. We received a huge amount of responses – with 215 unique projects suggestions – and are currently analysing the responses. While no decisions have been made yet, the Law Commission had planned to seek the Lord Chancellor’s approval for the … Read more >

Protection of Official Data consultation deadline extended

Due to a large amount of interest, the deadline for responding to the Protection of Official Data open public consultation has been extended to 3 May. The paper, launched on the 2nd February, suggests ways to improve the law around the protection of official information. It is an independent review of the laws – including … Read more >

Treasury acts to change unfair law around logbook loans

Log book loans can be thing of the past

The Law Commission today welcomed the decision by Ministers to close a legal loophole which means buyers of second-hand vehicles are at risk of having them repossessed due to unfair laws around logbook loans. Logbook loans are a way for borrowers to use their car or van as security for a loan and over the … Read more >