Official Secrets Acts reviewed to meet the challenges of the 21st Century

The Officials Secret Acts are being independently reviewed to ensure that the law is keeping pace with the challenges of the 21st century. The Law Commission – an independent body set up to reform the law – has today published a consultation paper which suggests ways to improve the law around the protection of official … Read more >

Firearms recommendations become law

The law around firearms has been strengthened today thanks to recommendations by the Law Commission. The Policing and Crime Act 2017 has now received Royal Assent. Part 6 of the Act implements the recommendations of the Law Commission’s Firearms Report that was published at the end of 2015. As a result the law is now: … Read more >

Could you be one of our research assistants?

Applications are now open for prospective research assistants at the Law Commission. Working as part of an expert team, research assistants help to shape UK law. You will have an opportunity to think deeply and work creatively in a challenging and supportive environment. Chambers, solicitors’ firms and universities regard time spent at the Law Commission … Read more >

Frances Patterson

Everyone at the Law Commission was very sad to learn of the death this morning of Dame Frances Patterson. Frances was Commissioner for Public Law from 2010 to 2013. The reports of the Commission during this period included Adult Social Care and Public Services Ombudsmen among many others. In 2013 she was appointed to be … Read more >

Reform of the law of enforcement of family financial orders

Each year thousands of separating couples apply to the courts for financial orders. Sometimes these orders are not complied with. The law of enforcement of family financial orders is a complicated area, contained in a range of legislation and court rules. It can then be difficult for parties, particularly litigants in person, to recover the … Read more >

Bronwen Maddox appointed Non-Executive Board Member

We are very pleased to welcome Bronwen Maddox as a Non-Executive Board Member of the Law Commission. In September 2016 Bronwen Maddox was appointed as the Director of the Institute for Government, an independent charity working to increase government effectiveness. For the previous five and a half years, she was editor and chief executive of Prospect Magazine. … Read more >

Pension Funds and Social Investment: Call for Evidence

We have issued a short call for evidence for our pension funds and social investment project. The Minister for Civil Society, Rob Wilson MP, has asked the Law Commission to look at social investment by pension funds. We invite views from consultees on social investment by pension funds and in particular, whether there are any … Read more >

Simplifying sentencing procedure

Current sentencing procedure is overwhelmingly complex and difficult to apply even for experienced practitioners and judges. It is contained in numerous separate provisions across a multitude of statutes with no coherent structure to aid navigation. On 7 October 2016 we published an interim report which summarises the responses we received to a consultation document on … Read more >