Protecting consumers from unfair logbook loans

Every year thousands of borrowers and unwitting buyers of second-hand vehicles are falling victim to unfair logbook loans because the law does not protect them. Logbook loans are a way for borrowers to use their car or van as security for a loan. The lender takes on ownership of the vehicle but the borrower can … Read more >

Logbook loans – reforming unfair, archaic law

Every year thousands of borrowers and unwitting buyers of second-hand vehicles are falling victim to unfair logbook loans because the law does not protect them. Logbook loans are a way for borrowers to use their car or van as security for a loan. The lender takes on ownership of the vehicle but the borrower can … Read more >

Reforming the offence of misconduct in public office

The law that governs misconduct in public office is unclear, ambiguous and in need of reform, according to the Law Commission, independent law reform adviser to the Government. More people than ever before are being accused of misconduct in public office, and recent years have seen a number of high-profile allegations, investigations and prosecutions of … Read more >

Misconduct in public office – unclear, ambiguous and in need of reform

More people than ever before are being accused of misconduct in public office, and recent years have seen a number of high-profile allegations, investigations and prosecutions of the offence. But the existing law does not clearly define either what is meant by “misconduct” or who holds “public office”. It is unclear, ambiguous and in need … Read more >

Simplifying technical issues in charity law

In a consultation opening today we are asking consultees for their views on potential reforms to two areas of charity law: to make consistent across all types of charity the powers for changing a charity’s purpose, and to simplify the process by which charities seek trust corporation status. The consultation, which is open until 31 … Read more >

Email alerts for new reports and consultations

We are in the process of publishing on this website all the reports and consultation papers issued by the Law Commission since it was established in 1965. We are aware that emails about some of these publications were sent in error yesterday to our subscribers. We are very sorry if you received any of these … Read more >

13th Programme of Law Reform consultation now open

Today we opened the consultation for our 13th Programme of law reform. The responses we receive will inform the majority of the Law Commission’s work from 2017 to 2020. We are asking for your help to identify areas of the substantive law of England and Wales that need reform, and to prioritise those reforms. The … Read more >

Protecting consumers when retailers go under

Money paid out in advance for items from sofas to mobile phones and services such as football season tickets and even weddings can be lost if the company you are buying from goes under – especially if you have paid by cash or cheque. In a report published today we recommend that consumers paying a … Read more >

Reporting on our 50th anniversary year

The Law Commission’s Annual Report 2015-16, published today, charts the activities and achievements of our 50th anniversary year. Most significantly this year we have welcomed a new Chairman, Sir David Bean, who joined the Commission on 1 August 2015. We appointed Professor Nick Hopkins as Commissioner for property, family and trust law and extended the … Read more >