Planning law in Wales – modernised and simplified

Today we launched a consultation to find out what needs to be done to modernise and simplify planning law in Wales. Existing planning law in England and Wales is overly complicated and difficult for professionals and the public to use. It was last consolidated in the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and has been … Read more >

An innovative new approach to law-making in Wales

In a report launched today we are recommending ways to make the existing law applicable in Wales clearer and simpler, and suggesting an innovative approach to law-making. Working out what the law is in Wales can be difficult for lawyers and other professionals, and particularly hard for members of the public. The volume of legislation, … Read more >

Law Commission welcomes new Chief Executive

Phil Golding, Chief Executive

Phil Golding has been appointed as Chief Executive of the Law Commission. Welcoming his appointment, Sir David Bean, Chairman of the Law Commission, said: “I am delighted that Phil Golding is our new Chief Executive. Phil is no stranger to the Law Commission, having worked here in 2004–5 as Head of Corporate Services. Since then … Read more >

Reforming the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards – emerging solutions

The problems with the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) can be resolved only by wholesale replacement of the DoLS and reform of the law. This is the initial conclusion we have issued in an interim statement today, following an extensive, four-month consultation. The aim of the DoLS was to provide a process for ensuring that … Read more >

Experts endorse our ‘clean sweep’ approach to sentencing reform

All cases where a conviction occurs after the introduction of our proposed new Sentencing Code would be sentenced under the new Code, no matter when the offence was committed. That is the “clean sweep” approach we are proposing in a report published today. The report, A New Sentencing Code for England and Wales: Transition, includes … Read more >

A winning joint enterprise

The Law Commission congratulates the winners of our first-ever university law reform competition. The winning team – Nicola Campbell, Scott Leonard, Elliot Booth and Jessica Low – visited the Commission on Tuesday 26 April. The four law students from the University of Sheffield presented their project, “A meeting of minds: denouncing ‘parasitic liability’ in joint … Read more >

Strengthening the foundations of land ownership

The Law Commission is reviewing the legal framework that governs the registration of land in England and Wales. In a consultation opening on Thursday 31 March the Commission – the independent body that advises government on law reform – is asking how the Land Registration Act 2002 is working in practice and whether there are … Read more >

Strengthening the foundations of land ownership

We are reviewing the legal framework that governs the registration of land in England and Wales. In a consultation opening today we ask how the Land Registration Act 2002 is working in practice and whether there are opportunities for the system to be clarified and updated. Land registration underpins conveyancing by providing a single, central … Read more >

Law Commission gives evidence to the Justice Committee

Sir David Bean, Chairman of the Law Commission, Chief Executive Elaine Lorimer and the Law Commissioner for criminal law, Professor David Ormerod QC appeared before the Justice Select Committee today to talk about the work of the Law Commission. We are grateful to the Committee for their time and for this valuable opportunity. The Members, … Read more >