Enforcing family financial orders

Every year, thousands of separating couples apply to the courts for financial orders, either because they cannot agree or to turn an agreement into an order so as to make it enforceable. The courts can order a person to make financial provision for a former spouse or civil partner. Sometimes the courts also make orders … Read more >

Consultation: the enforcement of family financial orders

We opened a consultation today on the enforcement of family financial orders in England and Wales. Our project is about the enforcement of court orders for the payment of money, or the transfer of property, between family members, which we call “family financial orders”. We are seeking views on the extent to which reform could … Read more >

Firearms – making the law clearer and easier to use

Police and prosecutors tackling gun crime struggle to enforce the law because legislation relating to firearms is complex and unclear.  Deficiencies in the legislation have a serious impact on the ability of the criminal justice system to respond effectively to gun crime.  The complexity also makes it difficult for legitimate firearms holders to comply with … Read more >

Professor Elizabeth Cooke

Professor Elizabeth Cooke, Law Commissioner for property, family and trust law, has been appointed Principal Judge of the Land Registration Division of the First Tier Tribunal, and will take up her post in summer 2015. Congratulating Professor Cooke on her appointment, Law Commission Chairman Sir David Lloyd Jones said: “In her seven years as a … Read more >

A new approach to controlling invasive non-native plants and animals

New powers to control and eradicate invasive non-native plants and animals are introduced as the Infrastructure Act 2015 receives Royal Assent, giving effect to reforms recommended by the Law Commission. Invasive non-native species cause environmental and economic damage. They pose a significant threat to ecosystems as well as damaging property and infrastructure. Existing law does … Read more >

Insurance Bill becomes law

Today the Insurance Bill received Royal Assent, implementing reforms recommended by the Law Commissions of England and Wales and of Scotland to modernise and simplify insurance contract law across the UK. The Insurance Act 2015 will give effect to reforms recommended by the Law Commissions in their 2014 report Insurance Contract Law: Business Disclosure, Warranties, … Read more >

Welsh law must be clearer and more accessible

The Law Commission, independent law reform body created by Parliament, is to propose ways to improve the accessibility of the law in Wales. The particular history of devolution in Wales has meant that, in many areas, it can be difficult for professionals, let alone citizens, to be sure what the law is in Wales. England … Read more >