Cyhoeddi Adroddiad Blynyddol 2020-2021

Mae Adroddiad Blynyddol Comisiwn y Gyfraith 2020-2021 wedi ei chyhoeddi. Mae’r stori hon ar gael yn Saesneg (This story is available in English). Yn yr Adroddiad Blynyddol ceir flas o uchafbwyntiau o waith y Comisiwn dros y deuddeg mis diwethaf, megis: Cytuno ar drefniadau ariannu a llywodraethiant newydd gyda’r Arglwydd Ganghellor a’r Weinyddiaeth Gyfiawnder. Lansio … Read more >

Reforms to protect victims of online abuse and safeguard freedom of expression announced

Law Commission recommends reforms to the communications offences to target serious harms arising from online abuse, while more effectively protecting the right to freedom of expression. A new harm-based offence would ensure only sufficiently harmful communications – which are likely to cause serious distress – are criminalised. The recommendations include a number of new offences, … Read more >

Law Commission publishes Diversity and Inclusion Strategy

The Law Commission has published its 2021-22 Diversity and Inclusion Strategy. The strategy outlines initiatives already undertaken and focuses on actions we wish to take in the future to ensure we champion inclusivity and respect . The Law Commission’s role is to recommend reforms to the law across a broad range of issues. These currently … Read more >

Law Commission seek views on corporate criminal liability

The Law Commission is seeking views on whether, and how, the law relating to corporate criminal liability can be improved so that they appropriately capture and punish criminal offences committed by corporations, and their directors or senior management. In the year to September 2020, there were over 5,000 convictions of “non-natural persons” which includes companies, … Read more >

Proposals to improve safety of coal tips in Wales

Law Commission proposals for a new safety regime would help to protect against a range of threats to coal tip safety and ensure all tips are dealt with in a consistent way. Mae’r stori yma ar gael yn Gymraeg hefyd. The Law Commission of England and Wales has today launched a consultation on a proposed … Read more >

Cynigion i gwella diogelwch tomennydd glo yng Nghymru

Bydd cynigion Comisiwn y Gyfraith ar gyfer gyfundrefn diogelwch newydd yn helpu i amddiffyn yn erbyn ystod o fygythiadau i ddiogelwch tomennydd glo ac yn sicrhau bod tomennydd i gyd yn cael eu trin mewn ffordd gyson. This story is also available in English. Mae Comisiwn y Gyfraith Cymru a Lloegr wedi lansio ymgynghoriad heddiw … Read more >

Proposals to allow electronic documents would revolutionise trade

The Law Commission has announced a consultation on proposals to allow for the legal recognition of electronic versions of documents such as bills of lading and bills of exchange. If implemented, the reforms could revolutionise global trade and bring the processes into the 21st Century. We are also considering reform of the legal treatment of … Read more >

Draft Bill for transfer of ownership rules published by Law Commission

The Law Commission has today published a draft Bill that would introduce new rules into the Consumer Rights Act 2015 about the transfer of ownership under contracts for the sale of goods between a trader and a consumer. Consumers often pay for goods in advance of receiving them. This happens whenever consumers buy goods online. … Read more >

Extension to the Chair’s tenure at the Law Commission announced

The Ministry of Justice has announced that the Lord Chancellor, the Rt Hon Robert Buckland QC, has approved an extension to Sir Nicholas Green’s tenure as Chair of the Law Commission for one year from 1 August 2021. The Chair was appointed on 1 August 2018 and will now serve until 31 July 2022. Sir … Read more >