Publication: Powers of Attorney

Publication date: 19 June 1967

Publication: Powers of Criminal Courts (Sentencing) Bill

Publication date: 1 March 2000

Publication: Powers of the Criminal Courts (Sentencing) Bill

Publication date: 1 March 2000

Publication: Pre-judgment Interest on Debts and Damages

Publication date: 24 February 2004

Publication: Privacy notice and handling data

Publication: Private International Law – Foreign Money Liabilities

Publication date: 31 July 1981

Response date: 01/03/1982

Publication: Private International Law: Choice of Law in Tort and Delict

Publication date: 11 December 1990

Publication: Private International Law: Choice of Law in Tort and Delict

Publication date: 28 September 1984

Response date: 16/07/1985

Publication: Private International Law: Choice of Law Rules in Marriage

Publication date: 1 July 1987

Publication: Private International Law: Choice of Law Rules in Marriage

Publication date: 20 December 1984

Response date: 31/07/1985