Adapting English law for the digital revolution

The Law Commission has begun work on two new projects to ensure that English law can accommodate two emerging technologies that could revolutionise commerce: smart contracts and digital assets. The…

Consumer Rights

…Bill was introduced into Parliament on 23 January 2014. The Law Commission submitted written evidence to the Public Bill Committee and on 11 February, Law Commissioner, David Hertzell, gave oral…

Cyhoeddi Adroddiad Blynyddol 2020-2021

…casineb a phriodasau. Cynhyrchu ein hadolygiad economaidd cyntaf ar werth diwygio’r gyfraith ar sail argymhellion y Comisiwn. Dywedodd Syr Nicholas Green, Cadeirydd Comisiwn y Gyfraith: “Er gwaethaf yr amgylchiadau gwaith…

Research assistant outreach event 2023-24

Join us for this live event ahead of the launch of our 2023/24 research assistant recruitment campaign. About the event Every year, the Law Commission recruits a number of research…

Project: Surrogacy

Project status: Complete

Download a summary of the report An overview of what the project is about and our key recommendations for law reform. Download the Core Report (Volume I) This version of…

Project: Anti-money laundering

Project status: Complete

…for the work of the Commission in producing it. This is a comprehensive report and we will now work with the Home Office, the regulated sectors and law enforcement agencies…

Charities Act 2022 receives Royal Assent

On 24 February 2022, the Law Commission’s Charities Bill received Royal Assent becoming the Charities Act 2022. The Act represents the culmination of the Law Commission’s charity law project which…

Project: Electronic Communications Code

Project status: Complete

Download the report Download the summary The problem The Electronic Communications Code was created in 1984 and replaced in the Digital Economy Act 2017. The Code sets out the regime…