Adroddiad blynyddol 2017-18 wedi’i gyhoeddi

Mae Adroddiad Blynyddol Comisiwn y Gyfraith 2017-18 wedi ei gyhoeddi. Mae’n datgelu blwyddyn bositif arall i’r corff diwygio cyfraith annibynnol gyda: Cyhoeddiad y 13eg Rhaglen o Ddiwygio Cyfraith – 14…

Adroddiad blynyddol 2019-20 wedi’i gyhoeddi

…a siaradodd am drideg mlynedd o’r Ddeddf Plant Yn croesawu’r Athro Penney Lewis, Comisiynydd y Gyfraith Trosedd newydd, a’r Athro Sarah Green, y Comisiynydd Masnachol a’r Gyfraith Gyffredin newydd i…

Law Commission sets out its priorities for 2021-22

…updates on how the Commission measured against its targets. For more information, read the 2021-22 Law Commission Business Plan. You can view all the Law Commission’s previous business plans here….

Simplify Immigration Rules, proposes Law Commission

…in 1973 to around 1,100 pages today, becoming increasingly complex. They have been criticised by senior judges as labyrinthine. The Law Commission is seeking views on its proposals for simplifying…

Project: Data Sharing between Public Bodies

Project status: Complete

…on a tripartite basis by the Law Commission of England and Wales, together with the Scottish Law Commission and the Northern Ireland Law Commission. We consider that the project could…