Project: Bribery

Project status: Complete

…Corruption (LC248). This resulted in the Government’s draft Corruption Bill, which received its pre-legislative scrutiny by a Joint Committee in 2003. The Joint Committee heavily criticised the Bill and recommended…

Project: Automated Vehicles

Project status: Complete

…(Welsh translation)   The project Our work began in 2018 when the Centre for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CCAV) asked the Law Commission of England and Wales and the Scottish…

Implementation Table

The Commission’s recommendations for law reform have a profound practical effect on the legal rights, duties and liabilities of a large number of people – but only if they are…


…suitable for further review by the Law Commission. Please use this form to comment on this potential project and send it to   Return to Law Commission project suggestions…

Project: Statute Law Repeals 19th Report

Project status: Complete

…on 21 November. Our repeal proposals were approved by the Committee without amendment. Second Reading – read the transcript / view the video (starting at around 01:16:30) Joint Committee –…

Cynorthwywyr ymchwil

English Yn lle ymarfer y gyfraith, beth am ei greu? Bob blwyddyn, mae Comisiwn y Gyfraith yn penodi nifer o gynorthwywyr ymchwil i helpu gwneud y gyfraith yn syml, yn…