Ein 13eg Raglen ar gyfer diwygioโ€™r gyfraith

…i fod eisiau anfon eich sylwadau, cysylltwch â programme@lawcommission.gsi.gov.uk. Rydym yn edrych ymlaen at dderbyn eich cynigion ar gyfer y Rhaglen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iaI41_dqqn8 Syr David Bean Cadeirydd, Comisiwn y Gyfraith programme@lawcommission.gsi.gov.uk…

What you can do with rights

South Africa’s experience – over the years since the end of apartheid and the creation of democracy – of constitutionalism and the rule of law, and of rights-talk. Delivered on…

Project: Publication of Local Authority Reports

Project status: Complete

…evidence. This would achieve a balance between enabling democratically elected bodies to account to their electorate for failures in performance through an effective inquiry, but without putting powers of compulsion…

Project: Renting Homes

Project status: Complete

…introductory tenancies demoted tenancies various varieties of common law tenancies The only major existing form of tenancy not to be abolished would be Rent Act tenancies, but there would be…

Project: Museum Collections

Project status: Pre-project

…records are hard to come by and as a result it is impossible to know whether the item was gifted outright or loaned to the museum, or even to identify…

Project: Regulating Coal Tip Safety in Wales

Project status: Complete

…legacy of disused coal tips. The Law Commission project complements this work. The project The Welsh Government asked the Law Commission to evaluate current legislation and to consider options for…