Project: Reform of the Communications Offences

Project status: Complete

…criminal law allows space for that discussion and does not disproportionately interfere in people’s legitimate freedom of expression. This project was funded by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media &…

Accessibility statement for

…If you find any problems that aren’t listed on this page or think we’re not meeting the requirements of the accessibility regulations, contact giving details of the issue and…

‘Cyberflashing’ to become a criminal offence

…or distress may face up to two years in prison. It follows a Law Commission review ‘Modernising Communications Offences’ which recommended that a new offence should be created. Digital Secretary…

Professor Elizabeth Cooke

…improve the law of property for all its users, and her work on the electronic communication code could be a powerful influence on the shape of Britain’s digital future. “We…

Your ideas for law reform

…law reform can include: modernisation, for example supporting and facilitating technological and digital development; economic, for example reducing costs or generating funds; fairness, for example supporting individual and social justice;…