Digital assets: Call for Evidence and Draft Legislation

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The Law Commission is today launching a call for evidence to inform their project on private international law in the context of digital assets and electronic trade documents. We are separately seeking views on draft legislation following our report on digital assets in June 2023. Digital assets and ETDs in private international law In our … Read more >

Government responds to anti-money laundering recommendations

The Government has published its response to the Law Commission’s anti-money laundering report. Of the 19 recommendations made, the Government has accepted, or partially accepted, 13 of them. The original report looked at the existing law around reporting suspicious financial activity. This provides law enforcement with the means to investigate and gather intelligence and protects … Read more >

Annual report 2022-23 published

The Law Commission’s Annual Report 2022-23 has been published. The annual report highlights the work that the Law Commission has done over the past 18 months from April 2022 to September 2023. We would like to thank colleagues across the Law Commission for their input and contribution to this annual report. Some examples of key … Read more >

Review of law on kinship


If a child can’t live with their parents, they should ideally live with someone they already know and trust. This is called kinship care.  The Law Commission will be carrying out a review into the legal framework for kinship carers. The project has been referred to us by the Department for Education who are seeking … Read more >

Law Commission recommendations being taken forward in the Leasehold and Freehold Reform Bill to improve the lives of millions of homeowners

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Following its recent introduction, the Leasehold and Freehold Reform Bill passed its second reading in Parliament on Monday, with unanimous cross-party support. Significant aspects of the bill implement options and recommendations put forward by the Law Commission in its 2020 reports on enfranchisement and the right to manage. They include: reducing the price and costs … Read more >

Inside Modern Law Reform published


A new book giving an “insider’s view” of how law reform really works in practice is published online today. “Inside Modern Law Reform” explains how the Law Commission carries out law reform and the history behind it. Outgoing Chair Sir Nicholas Green writes in his introduction to the book: “I have sought in this introduction … Read more >

Laws on Burial, Cremation and New Funerary Methods to be reviewed

The Law Commission today announces details of its review of the law governing how we deal with the bodies of loved ones when they die. The project is being split into three strands : Burial law is governed by a patchwork of different legislation including different laws depending on who is responsible for a burial … Read more >

Law Commission to review defences in cases of domestic homicide

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The Law Commission today announces a new project that will review the use of defences in domestic homicide cases. The Law Commission has been asked to do this work by the Government in their response to Clare Wade KC’s Domestic Homicide Sentencing Review. Despite reform to partial defences to murder intended to recognise the context … Read more >

Professor Alison Young appointed as Public Law Commissioner

The Government has today announced the appointment of Professor Alison Young as a new Commissioner at the Law Commission for a period of five years. Professor Alison Young will replace Nicholas Paines KC as the Commissioner for Public and Welsh Law. Alison will start on 18 March 2024. Professor Young will be crucial in contributing … Read more >

Review into 50-year-old laws on social care for disabled children

Law Commission aims to simplify and strengthen the law, allowing children with disabilities to access the support they need. Review will ensure the law is fair, modern and accessible, works for parents, care givers and local authorities The law on children’s social care in England is governed by a patchwork of legislation, some dates back … Read more >