Cyhoeddi Adroddiad Blynyddol 2021-22

Mae Adroddiad Blynyddol 2021-2 Comisiwn y Gyfraith wedi’i gyhoeddi. Mae’r stori hon ar gael yn Saesneg (This story is available in English). Mae’r adroddiad blynyddol yn amlygu’r gwaith y mae’r Comisiwn wedi’i wneud dros y deuddeg mis diwethaf, megis: Cyhoeddi wyth adroddiad mawr ers yr adroddiad blynyddol diwethaf. Mae’r adroddiadau yn ymdrin â phynciau fel … Read more >

Online Safety Bill to include Law Commission recommendation targeting the encouragement of serious self-harm

Last week the Government announced that it will update the Online Safety Bill to include the Law Commission’s recommendation to make encouraging or assisting serious self-harm an offence. The recommendation was made in July 2021 as part of the Law Commission’s Modernising Communications Offences report. The project was funded by the Department for Digital, Culture, … Read more >

New reforms to recover millions more from the proceeds of crime

The Law Commission has published new reforms to overhaul the system for recovering the proceeds of criminal activities. The reforms, which are the culmination of a Home Office-commissioned review, would enhance enforcement powers and could lead to the recovery of millions of pounds of additional funds from offenders each year. A “confiscation order” is a … Read more >

Comisiwn y Gyfraith yn cyflwyno ei flaenoriaethau ar gyfer 2022-23

Mae’r stori hon ar gael yn Saesneg hefyd (This story is also available in English). Heddiw, fe wnaeth Comisiwn yn Gyfraith gosod allan ei gynllun am y flwyddyn ariannol presennol mewn cynllun busnes newydd. Mae’r ddogfen yn nodi targedau mesuradwy i’r sefydliad a fydd yn ei helpu i gyflawni ei nod o ddiwygio’r gyfraith. Mae’n cyflwyno … Read more >

Law Commission sets out its priorities for 2022-23

The Law Commission has today set out its plans for the current financial year in a new business plan. The document sets out measurable targets for the organisation to meet which will help it achieve its aim of reforming the law. It sets out four priorities: To ensure that the law is fair, modern and … Read more >

Law Commission to review how private international law applies to digital assets and other emerging technology

The Law Commission of England and Wales has launched a Government-commissioned review that aims to provide clarity on how private international law rules can apply to emerging technology, such as digital assets and electronic trade documents. The Commission’s new law reform project, Digital assets: which law, which court?, will consider the private international law challenges … Read more >

Electronic Trade Documents Bill introduced to Parliament

On Wednesday 12th October, an Electronic Trade Documents Bill was presented before Parliament. The Bill, which is based on Law Commission recommendations and draft legislation, with some modifications, proposes changes to the law that would allow for the legal recognition of electronic versions of trade documents, such as bills of lading and bills of exchange. The … Read more >

New reforms to ensure UK retains position as a leader in international arbitration

The Law Commission of England and Wales has today unveiled new proposals to update the Arbitration Act 1996, to ensure that the UK continues to be the foremost destination for international arbitration. Arbitration, which involves parties resolving a dispute privately through a third party rather than the traditional court process, is a major industry in … Read more >