Law Commission to undertake review of the appeals system

The Law Commission of England and Wales has launched a wide-ranging review of the laws governing appeals for criminal cases. The Commission has been asked by the Government to examine the need for reforms to the appeals system, to ensure that the courts have the right powers to enable the effective, efficient and appropriate resolution … Read more >

Law reforms proposed for digital assets, including NFTs and other crypto-tokens

The Law Commission of England and Wales has published new proposals to reform the law relating to digital assets. Digital assets, which include crypto-tokens — sometimes referred to as cryptocurrencies — and non-fungible tokens (NFTs), play an increasingly important role in modern society. The emerging technologies are used for an increasing variety of purposes, including … Read more >

New project to examine the legal implications of increased autonomy in aviation

The Law Commission will launch a new project to review the law around autonomous flight, in order to support the safe development of rapidly advancing technology.   The two-year review is sponsored by the Future Flight Challenge at UK Research & Innovation (UKRI) and supported by the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and Department for Transport … Read more >

Outdated weddings laws to be overhauled under new reforms

The Law Commission of England and Wales has today outlined recommendations to reform weddings law, proposing a fairer system that gives couples more choice over where and how their wedding takes place. The Commission was asked by the Government to review the law on weddings, following concerns that it is not working for many couples. … Read more >

Extension to the tenure of the Chair of the Law Commission

The Deputy Prime Minister, Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice has approved an extension to Sir Nicholas Green’s tenure as the Chair of the Law Commission. The Deputy Prime Minister, Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice, the Rt Hon Dominic Raab MP, has extended Sir Nicholas Green’s tenure as Chair of … Read more >

Reforms to protect victims of intimate image abuse, criminalising “downblousing” and sharing pornographic deepfakes without consent 

The Law Commission of England and Wales has today proposed new recommendations to strengthen the law to protect victims of intimate image abuse. The law reforms, published following a detailed review, would make it easier to prosecute those who take or share sexual, nude or other intimate images of people without their consent. The Government … Read more >

New Law Commission project to review the law on contempt of court

The Law Commission of England and Wales has been asked by the Government to review the law on contempt of court and consider reform to improve its effectiveness, consistency, and coherence. “Contempt of court” refers to a wide variety of conduct by those involved in legal proceedings, which may impede or interfere with a court … Read more >

Law Commission starts debate on how to regulate remote driving

The Law Commission of England and Wales have today published a paper asking for views on the need and options for regulating remote driving on public roads. Technology that enables an individual to drive a vehicle from a remote location already exists today – operating in controlled environments such as warehouses, farms and mines. The … Read more >

Update on the 14th Programme of Law Reform

In 2021 the Law Commission consulted on a new Programme of Law Reform to be agreed in due course with the Lord Chancellor. We received around 500 responses to our consultation, covering nearly 200 possibilities for law reform. The Commission has today decided to extend the timetable for finalising the Programme. We have concluded that … Read more >