Recommendations to improve safety of coal tips in Wales

Law Commission recommendations for a new safety regime would help to protect against a range of threats to coal tip safety and ensure all tips are dealt with in a consistent way. The Law Commission of England and Wales has today published its report recommending a new coal tip safety regime in Wales that would … Read more >

Argymhellion i gwella diogelwch tomennydd glo yng Nghymru

Bydd argymhellion Comisiwn y Gyfraith ar gyfer gyfundrefn diogelwch newydd yn helpu i amddiffyn yn erbyn ystod o fygythiadau i ddiogelwch tomennydd glo ac yn sicrhau bod tomennydd i gyd yn cael eu trin mewn ffordd gyson. Mae Comisiwn y Gyfraith Cymru a Lloegr wedi cyhoeddi adroddiad heddiw yn argymell gyfundrefn arfaethedig newydd ar ddiogelwch … Read more >

Government includes Law Commission recommendations in Online Safety Bill

The Government has included in its Online Safety Bill the Law Commission’s recommendations to reform the communications offences and to make cyberflashing a sexual offence. These recommendations were made in the 2021 Modernising Communications Offences report. The reformed offences will refocus the criminal law on communications where the sender specifically intended to cause harm, and … Read more >

Recommendations to allow electronic documents would revolutionise trade

The Law Commission has today published its recommendations and draft legislation to allow for the legal recognition of electronic versions of trade documents such as bills of lading and bills of exchange. If implemented, the reforms could revolutionise global trade and bring the processes into the 21st century. Parties would be able to conduct trade … Read more >

‘Cyberflashing’ to become a criminal offence

‘Cyberflashing’ will become a new criminal offence with perpetrators facing up to two years behind bars under new laws to be introduced by the Government. The practice typically involves offenders sending an unsolicited sexual image to people via social media or dating apps, but can also be over data sharing services such as Bluetooth and … Read more >

Charities Act 2022 receives Royal Assent

On 24 February 2022, the Law Commission’s Charities Bill received Royal Assent becoming the Charities Act 2022. The Act represents the culmination of the Law Commission’s charity law project which began in 2014 and implements recommendations made in our 2017 Report Technical Issues in Charity Law. The Act is the product of lengthy consultation and … Read more >

Law Commission welcomes new steps to gather financial data on divorce

The Law Commission welcomes the publication of a revised version of Form D81 in February 2022. The form, available here, is the statement of information about parties’ financial circumstances used to support applications for a consent order in financial relief proceedings on divorce. The form helps the court decide if the financial and property arrangements … Read more >

Government accepts Law Commission’s recommendations to reform the communications offences

The Government has accepted the Law Commission’s recommendations to reform the communications offences, made in the 2021 Modernising Communications Offences report. It intends to include the offences in the Online Safety Bill. The reformed offences will refocus the criminal law on communications where the sender specifically intended to cause harm, and that pose a real … Read more >

Legal reforms to allow safe introduction of automated vehicles announced

The Law Commission of England and Wales and the Scottish Law Commission (the Law Commissions) have today (26 January 2022) published their joint report, making recommendations for the safe and responsible introduction of self-driving vehicles. The report recommends introducing a new Automated Vehicles Act, to regulate vehicles that can drive themselves. It recommends drawing a … Read more >

Law Commission to review the trial process for sexual offences

The Law Commission has today [17 December 2021] launched a project to review how evidence is used in prosecutions of sexual offences, and to counter misconceptions about sexual harm (“rape myths”). The Law Commission will review the law, guidance and practice relating to the trial process in prosecutions of sexual offences – including rape – … Read more >