Regulating Coal Tip Safety in Wales

Project status: Complete

Read the Regulating Coal Tip Safety report here. Read the summary of the Regulating Coal Tip Safety report here. You can view responses to the consultation here. Pwyswch yma i ddarllen y fersiwn Cymraeg o’r tudalen yma. All the supporting documents can be found at the bottom of the page. The problem The current legislation … Read more >

Corporate Criminal Liability

Project status: Complete

Download the summary of the options paper here. Download the full options paper here. Download the impact assessment here. View the press release here.    The problem The general rule for attributing liability to companies in English and Welsh criminal law is the ‘identification principle’. This states that where a particular mental state is required, … Read more >

Digital assets

Project status: Complete

Download the supplemental report and draft Bill (July 2024) Download the report (June 2023)   Download a summary of the report (June 2023) The problem Digital assets are increasingly important in modern society. They are used for an expanding variety of purposes — including as valuable things in themselves, as a means of payment, or … Read more >

Devolved Tribunals in Wales

Project status: Complete

Download the report paper here. Download the summary of the report here. This page is available in Welsh here. You can view responses to the consultation here. The problem A tribunal is a body set up to settle disputes, usually following public bodies’ decisions. But the rules and procedures for the devolved tribunals in Wales … Read more >

Consumer sales contracts: transfer of ownership

Project status: Complete

Download the report and draft legislation here Download the summary of the report here Download a Welsh summary of the report here The problem Consumers often pay for goods in advance of receiving them. This happens whenever consumers buy goods online. It can also happen when consumers pay for goods in a physical store, but … Read more >

Taking, making and sharing intimate images without consent

Project status: Complete

Download a summary of the report here. Download the full report here.  Read the interim response from the MoJ here.  View the press release here. Our project The origins of this project are rooted in our Abusive and Offensive Online Communications Scoping Report which was published in November 2018. The purpose of that Report was … Read more >

Intermediated securities

Project status: Complete

Download the scoping paper on intermediated securities here Download the summary of the scoping paper on intermediated securities here The problem In the modern era, when you decide to invest in shares or bonds, you are unlikely to receive a paper certificate. Instead, most investors “own” securities through  computerised credit entries in a register called … Read more >

Hate Crime

Project status: Complete

Download the report Download a summary of the report Download a Welsh summary of the report Download an Easy Read summary of the report The Problem Hate crimes are acts of violence or hostility directed at people because of who they are. Hate crime laws in England and Wales have developed in various phases over … Read more >

Automated Vehicles

Project status: Complete

Documents Summary of automated vehicles: joint report Automated Vehicles: joint report Background Papers Analysis of responses to Consultation Paper 3 All responses to Consultation Paper 3 Impact assessment Overview Overview (Welsh translation)   The project Our work began in 2018 when the Centre for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CCAV) asked the Law Commission of England … Read more >

Confiscation under Part 2 of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002

Project status: Complete

Download the report Download the summary of the report Download the impact assessment Our project  In 2018, the Home Office commissioned a Law Commission project with the objective of reforming Part 2 of Proceeds of Crime Act 2002. Our Consultation Paper considers how the existing statutory framework could be improved with the following objectives in … Read more >